Download catalogue Date seed coffee

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In Iranian traditional medicine, date seeds have been known as a valuable source of food due to nutritional and medicinal properties including blood pressure and sugar reduction, as well as, micro-nutritive and vitamin content. Iran is the second world biggest producer of date. However, date seeds are mostly thrown away which leads to loss of large amount of money, as well as environmental challenges. Date seeds are initially cleaned and washed. The seeds are then treated with hot water several times, to be sterilized. After drying, seeds are roasted, ground, formulated and packed. Date seed coffee is rich in minerals, including iron, selenium, zinc, manganese, and vitamins A, B and E. This herbal tea is remedial for diabetics and those suffering from blood cholesterol and allergic illnesses. According to Avicenna medicine, regular drinking of date seed coffee leads to blood sugar control, hair loss reduction, relaxation and promotion of body immune system. It flavors like coffee, inducing happiness, however, lacking caffeine makes it a good coffee substitute for those sensitive to caffeine use. Such herbal tea has functional properties, including blood pressure and sugar reduction and happiness increment in consumer.


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